About SFS Cycles

About SFS Cycles

After a lot of thought and soul searching over the past couple of years, I decided to follow my heart and set up SFS Cycles.

I want to play a part in getting more bikes available for people to make the switch to, or to continue using bikes as part of their daily lives. I believe that there are great health and environmental benefits to be gained by increasing the number of people cycling as part of their everyday lives.

I have been a regular commuter and leisure cyclist for many years and am ideally placed to help and advise you on your cycling needs. 



Qualifications & Experience

To give you confidence in my abilities I decided to consolidate what I've learnt over the years of fixing bikes by completing a formal qualification. I am presently in the final stages of completing the IMI Level 2 Qualification in Bicycle Mechanics and will be completed this summer.

You can be sure I'm offering you a top quality bike repair service.

I'm competent and experienced in repairing and replacing all parts of bicycles.

I have been a social and commuting cyclist for more years than seems possible! Bringing this cycling experience to SFS Cycles means I have the knowledge and experience to guide you through your cycling life.