It’s not too late – The Carbon Almanac World Record book signing attempt

The Carbon Almanac

It's not too late

The Carbon Almanac is a powerful tool to help us create change, right here and right now.

BOOK SIGNING EVENT: Saturday 16th July 10 - 11am at SFS Cycles.

These are the powerful words introducing this colloborative book The Carbon Almanac which is available in some parts of the world and launches in the UK on 11th August.
When I was asked if I'd host a book signing and be part of the global book signing day and world record attempt it felt right. Having seen a short section of the book from the local volunteer who will be hosting the signing desk, it looks incredible and just what we need to learn how our choices impact climate change and the world we live in.
bette midler review
I set up SFS Cycles to save bikes from skips and sheds and encourage more people to use their bikes as their main mode of transport. There's more than enough waste going into landfill and bikes that can be reused shouldn't be part of that, in my opinion. If each of us looked at our everyday choices and the scientific facts that are contained in this book with links to source materials, I'm certain we can make a difference.
In this week of headlines about soaring temperatures it's perfect timing to start this conversation with an amazing resource available to support us. SFS Cycles are one small part of the solution. I'm sure I could be doing more at home. I'm looking forward to getting my copy of the book in August. You can pre-order from your local bookstore and support your community store too.
The Book Signing is part of the World Record Attempt and we'll be on zoom with others around the world during our session 10-11am 16th July. You'll be able to pick up information about the book and the resources available from The Carbon Almanac team.
You can bring your bike for a check or book it in for a service. I have some bikes ready for refurbishing if you're looking for something to pedal around town on. You can try one or two out and see what suits you.

"We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims."

-R. Buckminster Fuller
When each of us takes responsibililty for our actions we can make a difference.
I like this quote from Shilpa Tiwari, PhD, EVP Social Impact & Sustainability, Citizen Relations:
"For too long the climate conversation has excluded the vast majority of people – many of which are directly impacted by changes to our climate in significant ways. The approach to creating The Carbon Almanac is truly inclusive. Relying on volunteers across the globe has resulted in information that provides varied perspectives and makes room for knowledge that has been historically excluded. Readers from all backgrounds will find the information accessible and interesting, allowing them to take action in a way that is most meaningful to them, resulting in the change we need now more than ever!"
  Join the conversation, and together we can make a difference. Order your book here, or go to your local bookstore: Carbon Almanac book

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